Barbara Zenger

Address: Section of Visual Science, University Eye Hospital, Waldhörnlestr. 22, D72072 Tübingen, Germany
Phone: (49) - 7071 - 29 81203
Fax: (49) - 7071 - 29 5568


I received my ``Vordiplom'' in biology at the University ofWürzburg(internet-link: "") (Germany) and continued studying biology at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel) where I was working with Prof. D. Sagi in the Neurobiology Department. I wrote a M.Sc. thesis in the field of Visual Psychophysics and graduated 1994. Since 1995 I am working on my PhD with Prof. M. Fahle in the Eye Hospital of Tübingen (Germany).

General Research Interests, Projects, and Results


  • Zenger B. & Sagi D. (1996). Isolating Excitatory and Inhibitory Non-Linear Spatial Interactions Involved in Contrast Detection. Vision Research 36 pp. 2497-2513.
    [Note that there is a mistake on page 2499: fig. 1a should be rotated by 270° and fig. 1b should be rotated by 180° (counterclockwise)]

  • Zenger B. & Fahle M. (1997a). Missed Targets more Frequent than False Alarms: A Model for Error Rates in Visual Search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (in press).


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